Sunday 16 December 2018

Infrabel’s simulated train collision at ‘Brussels North-South’ junction

Infrabel’s simulated train collision at ‘BrusselsNorth-South’ junction

RRB online exam Infrabel completed a disaster scenario – simulating 29 injuries – to test the infrastructure in place and mark the end of four years of work that modernised and improved safety procedures. A train entering the ‘Brussels North-South’ junction, the busiest railway axis in Belgium, collided with another train. Although the accident happened at low speed, the crash between the two trains left 29 injured. When a fire broke out following the crash, passengers had to be quickly evacuated via the emergency exits; one of which was the newly-created emergency exit located near the rue des Comédiens. Railway requirement The emergency services (fire brigade, medical and social services, Federal Railway Police, local Police, DIRCO services, SECURAIL and others) were on site within minutes. The rescue operation, which involved the setting up of an operational control centre, a security perimeter, two advanced medical stations and a reception centre, lasted nearly two hours Rrb new vacancy.

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