Tuesday 4 December 2018

Civil service chronicle subscription

Civil service chronicle subscription

Key Components
Civil service chronicle subscription To push for greater access to LPG connection to the poor, government of India launched "Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojna" (PMUY) in May 2016, wherein a support of 50% upsc pattern of the total cost or Rs 1,600 is provided to poor household to help them purchase an LPG stove. This scheme has so far provided low-cost LPG connections to more than 48.6 million beneficiaries, while increasing the this scheme was based from the 'digitisation of the LGI:11 subsidy' and 'Give it up' pcs exam campaign. The scheme aims to safeguard the health of women and children. Notably, WHO pollution report has stated that out of 7 million deaths every year from air pollution, shankarias academy around 3.8 million deaths are caused by household air pol­luting fuel, while the remaining deaths are caused by outdoor pollution.

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