Thursday 8 November 2018

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher

An article about Alternative Nobel literature prize goes to Maryse Conde can be seen on the 22nd page of Junior Science Refresher
Junior science refresher magazine Guadeloupean novelist Maryse Conde has been an­nounced as the winner of the New Academy prize in literature, a one-off award intended to fill the void left by the cancellation of this year's scandal-dogged Nobel priie for literature. Junior science refresher magazine Speaking on a video played at a ceremony in Stockholm, Conde said she was "very happy and proud" to win the award. "But please allow me to share it with my family, Junior sciencerefresher magazine my friends and above all the people of Guadeloupe, who will be thrilled and touched seeing me re­ceive this prize," she said. "We are such a small country, only mentioned .when there are hurricanes or earthquakes and things like that. bright group of publications junior sciencerefresher Now we are so happy to be recognised for something else," The author of some 20 novels, including Desirada, Segu and Crossing the Mangrove, Conde is, according to the chair of judges Ann Palsson, a "grand storyteller" who "belongs to world literature". bright group ofpublications junior science refresher The winner was announced at a Stockholm library -- a stark contrast to the 'baroque splendour of the Swedish Acaderny-- after a three-fold judging process. Unlikt the secretive deliberations of the Nobel jury, the New Academy prize saw Swedish librarians nominate au­thors, who were  winnowed down to a final four by public vote, bright group of publications junior sciencerefresher the winner decided by ari expert jury. The initial four finalists had been reduced to three after Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami lasti month, citing a desire to "concentrate on his writing away from media attention". Murakami is,often cited as a frontrunner for the Nobel.

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