Tuesday 27 November 2018

Civil service chronicle subscription

Civil service chronicle subscription

 Page 13 has Am I Good Enough for the System? Can I Survive the Competition? In civil services chronicle

Civil service chronicle subscription If you have decided that you are going to prepare for the Civil Services Examination, then you shouldn't worry whether you are good enough for the system or not. Worry and be motivated by the fact that you will be able to do good works and help the people of your country. upsc pattern The fact that you will be able to make major policy decisions should it­self help you that the decision that you have taken is correct and apt. You will be able to meet high caliber of people, bu­reaucrats and experts who are working towards the pro­gress of the country. pcs exam When you are in the system, it will depend on you whether you have the ability to cope with the pressure that comes with this highly sought after job. Yes, Corruption happens in the system. There are politicians who will put extreme pressure on you so that you either will desist the system or will think of quitting altogether. shankar ias academy But you know this all beforehand before you decided to join. Didn't you? So, don't think about what will happen when you join the services. It's better to think, what you can do when you join it. After all, you can make it a better place.

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